Rhinoplasty may enhance the balance between facial features. It may be performed for functional purposes, such as to correct a deviated septum, or for cosmetic purposes such as to eliminate a bump on the bridge of the nose, reshape the nostrils or alter the size or shape of the nose.


What Is Rhinoplasty?


Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a “nose job,” is among the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty may be performed to increase or decrease the overall size of the nose, remove a hump, alter the tip or the bridge of the nose, increase or decrease the width of the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and upper lip. These enhancements typically result in a greater balance between all the facial features.


  • Cosmetic nasal surgery deals specifically with the shape of the nose.
  • Functional nasal surgery addresses the breathing through the nose.


EstePlastHair always addresses the function and the shape of the nose at the same time.


Rhinoplasty Candidates


Cosmetic rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose to enhance its appearance. This may involve altering the size of the nose, removing a hump, making the tip smaller or altering the size and/or shape of the nostrils. Each procedure is highly individualized according to your anatomy and aesthetic goals, and our doctor’s evaluation. Teens who desire cosmetic rhinoplasty are advised to wait until they have fully matured physically before undergoing surgery, which is typically around age 17 for girls, 18 for boys.


Repair of nasal trauma can involve correction of abnormalities of the nose caused by trauma or birth defects, as well as restore normal breathing. Many of the same techniques utilized in cosmetic rhinoplasty are also applied to correction of nasal and septal injuries.


In some cases, nasal surgery may be performed to correct breathing. This may involve simply straightening the septum, or the wall of cartilage inside the nose that separates the two nostrils and their airways, or it may require building up the structure and support of the nose to improve airflow. Many health insurance carriers cover medically indicated functional nasal surgery.


How Do I Prepare For My Nose Surgery?


We will provide all of your preoperative and postoperative instructions prior to your rhinoplasty. We will ask you to stop certain vitamins, herbs and medications, including aspirin and ibuprofen, among others. Nose surgery recovery is shortened if patients follow our very specific instructions.


Cosmetic Nasal Surgery



The main goal of cosmetic nasal surgery is to give the nose improved balance with the rest of the face. Whether the nose is too large, small, wide, etc. nose surgery brings this feature into harmony with the rest of the facial features and brings more prominence to the central feature of the face, the eyes.


Cosmetic nasal surgery (rhinoplasty) can remove prominent features, such as a hump on the bridge by carefully sculpting the cartilage and bone that makes up that part of the nose. A wide or large nasal tip can be refined by meticulously sculpting the cartilages that make up the tip of the nose. A droopy nose can also be resolved with similar techniques. However, many times, such as in advanced revision rhinoplasty cases, cartilage must be added to the tip or the bridge of the nose in order to make the nose appear more natural and less prominent.


Functional Reconstructive Nasal Surgery



The nose plays an extremely important role in the transfer of air from the environment into our bodies. Proper and vigorous airflow through the nose is critical in not only preparing the air entering our bodies but in ensuring basic functions, such as sleep and daily activities.


The nose is divided into two halves by the nasal septum which is made up of cartilage and bone. When the nasal septum is deviated, it causes airflow obstruction to the corresponding side and may cause symptoms such as headaches, snoring, daytime sleepiness and sinusitis. A deviated nasal septum can arise from nasal trauma or may be present since birth.


The nose also contains important structures called turbinates, which help in warming air, as well as preparing the body for allergens, such as pollen. These can become enlarged due to many reasons. When there are nasal allergies, for example, these structures become large and cause airflow obstruction. This can cause similar symptoms in those suffering from septal deviation.


The goal of functional nasal surgery is to improve airflow through the nose by either straightening the nasal septum or reducing the size of the turbinates.


Advanced Techniques & Options


Our Surgeon usually performs rhinoplasty as an outpatient procedure. The surgery may take a few hours, depending on the extent of correction and whether rhinoplasty is being combined with other procedures. Our doctor’s extensive training enables him to perform both open and closed rhinoplasty.


  • Open rhinoplasty allows the most direct access to the interior of the nose and requires a small incision on the thin strip of tissue between the nostrils called the columella (see illustration below). The tiny scar that results from this technique is typically so faint that it is virtually undetectable.
  • Closed rhinoplasty requires incisions only on the interior of the nose, which leave no visible scarring. This technique is appropriate for making minor changes such as removing a small bump from the bridge of the nose.



The patient’s individual anatomy and desired changes will determine whether the procedure approach is open or closed.


What To Expect During Rhinoplasty Surgery


We do not pack the nose after rhinoplasty, and we use absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed.


Nasal surgery is usually performed under “twilight” anesthesia where the patient breathes without the use of a tube in the airway throughout the procedure. The patient sleeps throughout the procedure, has no recollection of the procedure and has no discomfort whatsoever throughout the procedure. On occasion, if indicated, the procedure may be performed under general anesthesia.


The incisions used during rhinoplasty are almost always on the inside of the nose. On rare occasions or in some revision rhinoplasty cases, an incision in the crease at the bottom of the nose may be needed. In our practice, however, this is a rare exception and not the norm.


The cosmetic and functional issues of the nose will be addressed during the same operation.


Rhinoplasty Recovery


Most of the swelling inside and outside the nose after nasal surgery will be gone one week after the surgery. Most patients are able to breathe through their nose two to three days after the surgery. All splints and tapes are removed seven days after the operation. After your nose surgery, we will follow your results for one year.


You will have to observe some restrictions following nasal surgery. Typically you will be required to refrain from strenuous activities for two weeks and heavy lifting for three weeks. You should avoid all contact sports or activities that may produce trauma to the nose for six weeks. Although you will be able to visibly appreciate the results of the procedure after a couple of weeks, it takes a full year before the final results can be fully appreciated.